I faced an odd situation in which the shutdown command wasn’t working. So I used TSSHUTDN.EXE to do the job. For immediate restart, this is the command:
There are enough instructions out there to fix this, I just want to point out some tricky issues.
- If you are using windows 7 DVD to boot & use “Startup Repair”, you may need to do it 3 times! (funny!)
- After successfully booting into 7, you may find that the partition containing xp is missing in My Computer. That’s because it has lost its drive letter. Go to Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Computer Management > Storage > Disk Management & assign a drive letter.
- Drive letters are not something absolute, but relative. Windows 7 probably sees the drive it’s installed into as C, while xp can see it as another letter.
- If your windows installations are on different hard drives, keep in mind that there’s an option for hard disk boot priority in BIOS.
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